First, thanks to all the folks who showed up yesterday at Michael Fronda's lecture. We had a great crowd (>70 people!), a great talk, and a nice reception afterwards. Special thanks go to the Department of History, and the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and the University of North Dakota Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta who helped with the preparations. I hope to have a podcast of the talk posted soon.
Now a handful of quick hits on a beautiful Friday morning:
- This is a cool post at the Electric Archaeologist on teaching online.
- The blog revolution continues at the University of North Dakota. I just discovered that the College of Arts and Science has a blog.
- This is a pretty neat installation.
- Dinner tonight.
- This may be the best post on this blog.
- Arranged Delirium is back.
- Phyllis Graham passed onto me two nice links related Pikionis and his work around the Acropolis in Athens. One was a short note on an effort to reopen a cafe on the Philopappou hill designed by Pikionis in the 1950s; the other is a brief autobiographical excerpt from his work A Sentimental Topography.
Have a great weekend!
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